5 Things You Need for an Ergonomic Workstation at Home

Has working from home done a number on your back? It’s time to switch things up by setting up an ergonomic workstation. Hours of slumping at your desk or lying on your couch while you work aren’t right for your body. The less than ideal setup leads to sore muscles, knots, and unbearable aches. The trigger…

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COVID-19 Recovery and Rehabilitation

Are you looking for a COVID-19 recovery and rehabilitation program? COVID-19 is a lung & respiratory disease, yet it indirectly affects heart health and muscle/joint functioning in aging adults and recovering patients. Adding to this are complications caused by self-isolation and limited activity. Specialized Physical Therapy offers a personalized rehabilitation and recovery treatment plan for…

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COVID-19 Safety Precautions and Procedures

We want all of our patients and providers to know that we are open to serve you and your family and you can trust that we are taking every precaution to ensure your protection and safety in our clinic. We are cleaning and sanitizing our clinic on an hourly and daily basis.  We are following…

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Running Analysis and Selecting Proper Running Shoes

Selecting running shoes can be a daunting task – do I get the sneaker with a ton of foam in the heel, the really pretty purple ones, or the bargain rack sneakers for $29.99?  Most runners as some point during their running career will go through dozens of sneakers, have running analysis performed, or possibly…

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Skiing Injuries and How to Prevent Them

Skiing is one of the most common winter sports out there, with tens of thousands hitting the slopes every day.  Skiing injuries can affect the novice and even the most experienced skiers, depending upon terrain, equipment, and fatigue/dehydration, among other issues.  The most common injury occurs to the lower limb, most commonly the knee.  Knee…

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What is Direct Access?

What is Direct Access? Direct access is a law that allows patients to seek treatment from a physical therapist without a prescriptionor referral from a physician,  podiatrist or nurse practitioner. Why utilize direct access? Direct access gets you treatment sooner! If you strained your low back lifting heavy boxes, sprained your ankle playing soccer or just…

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Most Supplements Contain Dangerous Ingredients and New Medication 500x More Powerful than Morphine Approved

A roundup of some interesting stories of the week.  I’ll keep you posted on insightful and informative stories throughout the web. – Eating your vegetables and fruits seems to be even more important now that a recently published study found nearly 700 warnings have been issued over the last decade that vitamins and other supplements contain dangerous…

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The Condition That’s Quietly Injuring Female Athletes

Over the past 30 years, female endurance athletes have increasingly been injured from a quiet injury.  The Female Athlete Triad, which manifests in low energy levels, low bone density, and loss of a period, can severely restrict an athlete’s ability to compete or even function normally during mundane tasks and chores.  Each of these components can…

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What Is Kinesio Tape and How Does Kinesio Tape Work?

Ever wondered what this colorful tape does? Kinesiotaping is a way in which physical therapists can help to minimize pain, discomfort, and even swelling during everyday activities or sports. Depending on where the injury is and what makes it worse or better, your therapist can determine how to place the tape so to help you…

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