Valentine’s Day – Epic Fail

PSA – Be careful out there on Valentine’s Day! You never know when you’ll encounter a situation where you might lose your balance, trip over an unexpected object, or slip on snow and ice.

During this time of the year we tend to treat falls and slips of all types, especially the past few weeks. The heavy snowfall and intermittent light dustings have created hazardous surfaces out there when walking.

Even when you are inside, tripping hazards such as throw rugs, Legos, and kids toys, create obstacles that could create a potential fall hazard. Many times falls happen within the safest and most comfortable places -your house or work. This is where you usually let you guard down and tend to be more relaxed.

When the weather gets poor out there during winter, you should not let the snow or ice get the best of you and lead to a fall. Using devices such Yaktrax and microspikes applied to the bottom of your boots or footwear can dramatically increase your stability. This greatly decreases chances of slips, trips, and falls.

If you’ve been feeling unstable on your feet lately, whether it’s from a pre-existing injury, general de-conditioning, or just from inactivity being stuck at home from COVID-19 the past year, give us a call to help improve your overall balance and stability.

Give us a call or swing by sometime!

Happy Valentine’s Day 🙂