The Best Exercises For Your Age

Exercise can help no matter your age, but your needs change as you get older. Here’s an easy plan to follow at every decade. Select your workout routine carefully, it matters! Each decade is a time to hone in on a particular type of routine that’ll best prepare you for the future. Now is the time to build the best workout schedule for years to come. 

Working Out In Your 20’s

The sooner we start to build a base in fitness, the better prepared we are for later in life. Wisely use your 20’s to invest in learning form, be aware of mobility and the range of motion. In this decade, your body is likely to be in its peak physical condition, and your muscles will recover quickly from any workout.

  • Aim for cardio workouts roughly three to five days per week.
  • Aim to strength train around three times per week, focusing on your back, chest, arms, core, shoulders, and legs.
  • Don’t forget to stretch daily.

Working Out In Your 30’s

The key is to optimize the time you have available. In your 30’s you are often riddled with family obligations so look for opportunities to move whenever possible; walk when you can and take the stairs instead of the elevator. Forming good habits in our 30’s will mean we can continue to do the things we enjoy later in life.

In order to feel your best in your 30’s, here are our recommendations:

  • Focus on cardio and flexibility roughly three to four times per week.
  • Focus on strength training to help prevent osteoporosis or arthritis later in life.

Working Out In Your 40’s

Usually, our 40’s is a time when our bodies are starting to need a little care and attention.  As our metabolism slows down and muscle density begins to decrease, we should be focusing on preserving muscle tone, which will not only help in maintaining our range of motion but also help us stay injury-free.  Want to stay feeling great in your 40’s? Keep these tips in mind:

  • Do moderate-intensity cardio and strength training for at least 3-4 days a week. 
  • Add a sense of community to your workout routine by joining a local fitness club.

Working Out In Your 50’s

We recommend adding basic exercises — including push-ups, sit-ups, shoulder presses and lunges — into your morning routine if you don’t already have one established. Invest in a stationary bike or a standing desk to add in even more daily movement. These small changes, combined with healthy diet tweaks, allowed for a great lifestyle.

  • Focus on strength training over cardio.
  • Exercise 3-4 days per week.

Working Out As A Senior

No matter your age, the best exercise for you is the one you enjoy the most. After all, if you don’t like your workout, how long are you going to stick with it? For older adults, the top priority must be maintaining your quality of life outside the gym. To do that, focus on workouts designed to help you build strength, stay mobile, and improve balance. Also key is considering the requirements of any given fitness option. Are your bones strong enough for high-impact exercises such as running and jumping? Is your balance where it needs to be for fall-free bike rides? How much time do you realistically have to spend at the gym?

As always, it’s smart to check with your doctor before beginning a new fitness program, especially if you have a chronic condition, balance issues, or injuries.